2 01, 2019

Pro7 - Wintergames

HOTEL KERTESS - Your hotel in St. Anton was part of "Die ProSieben Wintergames". The action-packed event in December 2018 in St. Anton am Arlberg. Not on skis or snowboard, but with kayaks and snow motorcycles, daring celebrities raced in "Die ProSieben Wintergames" through a challenging course of steep curves and

6 11, 2018

E-bike hire in St. Anton

E-bike rental St. Anton. Nothing stops you. No obstacle is too big for you. Downhill you are the king, uphill the E-MTB brings a lot of fun. Biking with support opens up new worlds for enjoyable mountain conquerors, recreational athletes, nature lovers and all those who prefer to experience enchanting mountain scenery and panoramic impressions on an e-bike.

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